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Re: Craft Corner

Love wandering over this way and seeing new creations 😊❀

@Maggie your bracelet is beautiful. Rainbow colours I think? I have played with bracelet making but never been able to get it. I get so tangled. Love the pattern. Sorry the hook is tricky πŸ™ That sounds frustrating.

@Gazza75 and @cutiepiekitty love the diamond paintings! So great to have something crafty to keep hands busy, I agree cutiepiekitty.

Re: Craft Corner

That looks very nice @cutiepiekitty , you got that one done quickly!  πŸ™‚  Thanks for sharing.  Look forward to your next one πŸ™‚

Re: Craft Corner

Hi @Judi9877 ,

I should give the clay a try over the next few weeks.  Got to get the materials together and do a little more researching and digging around online before I bite the bullet and give it a whirl.  I think I'll need a proper temp gauge as my oven is old and probably not that accurate.  Funnily enough I stumbled into quite a few different options at spotlight last week.


I think it would actually work better with crochet hooks than with what I'm going to be trying.  Less chance of anything going wrong.  Definitely make a difference in handling and comfort.  I had a quick look online and there are quite a few pictures and videos of them.  πŸ™‚


I really enjoyed your beanies.  


Huge congragulations on getting into university.  Wish you all the best with it and also acquiring/honing your time management skills.  The best tip I can offer is to stay away from the bar πŸ™‚


Have a great day and happy crafting to everyone.

Re: Craft Corner

Hi @Gazza75  . Thanks for the really nice comments regarding my beanies and the clay thing regarding my crochet hook thing. You made me happy so thank you😊! I’m glad I could be of some help to you!

As for the uni thing, no chance of me going to the uni bar as I’m studying online in a health course so that does that one for me! Besides, I’ve learnt that for me, meds and alcohol don’t mix so I stay away from it. I also have an alcoholic father who I refuse to have contact with now as he’s not nice when he’s drunk in the verbal sense. I hope I haven’t offended you! As I said, time management is going to be interesting as I tend to do things at the last minute, or did that when I was at uni 15 years ago with essays and assignments, usually 24 hours before they were due in and I literally lived in the residential kitchen where I could have easy access to coffee! Back then, for me, I had to submit the paper copy to the actual faculty letter box on campus by 5pm the day it was due in so it meant racing to uni to get it in by then! I was still doing knitting but not as much as I do know! Anyway, times have changed and I have been to officeworks for a study planner so all I need to do is schedule in 20-30 hours (2 subjects at 10-15 hours per week) studying and I’ll be fine. There’s 168 hours in a week so plenty of time to eat, sleep, study and craft and chill! 

Re: Craft Corner

Hey @Judi9877 , thanks for your reply. 


Doing a health course online sounds really good. Is it fairly cheap compared to going to a normal one?   I'm not offended by your comments, I hope I didn't upset you.  I meant the bar thing a bit tongue in cheek. I was a bit to caught up in the social scene when I tried to do Uni.


I had an alcoholic father growing up which was very diffucult to watch and try to manage. 


I actually thought you might be doing something in the Arts.  You are very talented.  Definitlely have to try and leave some time for crafting and chilling thats for certain.  Does your flatmate do any crafting?


Good on you for getting a study planner πŸ™‚  Helps to be organised. 


I've never been all that organised, but, I did get a fancy container to store all my dots for painting πŸ™‚  I'm really eager to try the clay stuff out, but, have to restrain myself as I've spent a fair bit of money on crafting endevours lately.  I want to get the 'sausage machine' thing that flattens the clay out, its not a must, but, now i've seen one I really want it!  It's only $30 and looks almost foolproof which is good for Me πŸ™‚


168 hours in a week seems to go so quickly.  40 hours working. 5 hours commuting.  40 hours sleeping.. 

Re: Craft Corner

@Maggie Bobbin lace is the old traditional way of doing lace. It is done on a firm pad called a pillow. You put cotton on small shaped sticks called bobbins and cross and twist them in pairs to make the lace. They are used in pairs, and a small pice can have 15 pairs and some pieces can have a couple of hundred. The old royal lace collars (those big ones about Henry the 8th) were bobbin lace and could take several lacemakers up to a year to make one. It used to be a big industry, often done by poor people and nuns. Kids were sent to lace schools from the age of about 4. It is beautiful and looks really complicated, but you have the pattern pinned to your pillow and it is just a case of knowing whether to do right over left or left over right and putting in a pin at each dot. Once it clicks it is quite easy and relaxing really (at least for me it is!)

Re: Craft Corner

@cutiepiekitty @outlander  And others doing crochet. This is my effort so far, but it’s looking too frilly. I’m wondering if the yarn is too thickπŸ€”πŸ€”

Our spotlight didn’t have amigurumi cotton @CheerBear  so I bought a Vera 50% acrylic 50% cotton, it doesn’t say what ply it is, by the pics on the utube im following, my yarn is looking way to thick. Any ideas?3A721E7B-D1EE-46A7-A737-29FD2C1588AA.jpeg

Re: Craft Corner

Oh wow @Maggie! That's awesome! And super giant yay you there!!! Love it.

As far the frilly goes, at a glance it looks like it could be the yarn being thick. I remember making a couple of them/similar to them a while ago and had frilling/pinching issues, but I can't remember why. Would it help if I made one to see if there's a hint of something in the pattern?

But most importantly - yay you!

Re: Craft Corner

Oh @CheerBear  big smile here. I’m a bit puffed up with pride atm, not a hint of shame either. 😁😁😁

If you have time, I would appreciate you trying it out as I’m keen as mustard, specially after β¬†οΈβ¬†οΈπŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ’€

Re: Craft Corner

The πŸ’€ wasn’t meant to be there. 

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