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Re: BabyDragon's Den

Hi Cameron


I am Faith-and-Hope.  Pleased to meet you.



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Re: BabyDragon's Den

Hi @Faith-and-Hope,


I can't believe Cameron fronted he doesn't really like being out because the whole he's a boy but the body is a girl thing. I mean he's co con before but I think it's like the second time he's actually been in control. 

Any way how are you 

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Re: BabyDragon's Den

Good morning all

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Re: BabyDragon's Den

Afternoon everybody 

Feeling a bit outta sorts at the moment got a migraine had it since Monday afternoon. 

Ended up collapsing Monday evening and spent the night at the hospital. 


Had a thought..

Most know I have DID but there is a lot of newbies around so thought I would repost this so if the stumble across this thread they know a bit about my alters.


So I'm going to split it up into 3 groups, littles (0-10), middles (11-17) and bigs (18+).


So my littles are :

Kelly, 4, mute and trauma holder, Eshy

Sarah, 6

Strudle, 5, wolf shapeshifter



Brittney, 7, the BBB triplets

Sienna, 8, prefers CC

Dana, 4, trauma holder, AP

Leana, 6, trauma holder, AP

Cameron, 8, trauma holder

Kelsey, 5, trauma holder

Uunala, 4, trauma holder, Eshy

Stacey, 10

Tessa, 9, FS Trauma holder 


My middles are:

Steph, 15, sporty, gender fluid

Daisy, 13, Artistic

Macey, 12, smart, Eshy

Repunzel, 16/17, Fictive 

Elsie, 17, littles helper

Erin, 15, trauma holder, Sh

Iris, 11, positive empathy, littles caretaker

Chloe, 14, littles caretaker

Mermaid Princess, 15/17, unknown language

Zayella, 15, sad/grief empath, inner world protector

Casey, 13, troublesome, sh


My bigs are:


Sapphire,18, wolf shapeshifter, system protector

Harmony, 30, protector

Honey, 19, sexual

Grant, age Slider, 18-25,

Lana, 20, negative empath

Holly, age unknown, demon, system persecutor

Re: BabyDragon's Den

@Former-Member 💜💜

Re: BabyDragon's Den

Hi @Former-Member 


I am sorry, I missed your response above.


I am okay.  Just really tired, and the going is a bit tough at the moment with the roller-coaster if life stuff, but I am back at uni doing what Iove, so that part is great ..... 👍

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Re: BabyDragon's Den


Re: BabyDragon's Den

Hi @Former-Member ..... 👋

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Re: BabyDragon's Den

I'm so over everything right now.

My head hurts so much, I've had this migraine like pain since the 27th of Feb. It's been over a week I'm sick of going to the hospital for an injection that lasts maybe 6 hours and being sent home. I know that I've had a ct scan done and I get the results tomorrow morning but I'm so worried that they'll either find nothing and think I'm just faking it or something or they'll find something and then I have to deal with what ever it is I mean brain tumors are common in my family.


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Re: BabyDragon's Den

Really wish this pain from emotional exhaustion would end but triggers and flashbacks never leave I can't keep going through this all the time

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