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Re: Our Special Anzac Day Memories

Re: Our Special Anzac Day Memories
@Owlunar best version , well I think it is

Re: Our Special Anzac Day Memories

No @TAB my husband was not on the Melbourne, which struck the Voyager during night exercises between the two RAN warships in 1964. 82 sailors aboard the Voyager were killed, many trapped in the bow.  There was little time for them to escape as the Ship sank within minutes. 


I do know a survivor from the Voyager however.  He is in the same group as my husband, and goes to an annual reunion we all go to each year.  He was a stoker (below deck) on the Voyager at the time of the crash/sinking.  He has told me the story of how another sailor (an engineer) was below deck valiantly hoisting other sailors onto his shoulders and out through a narrow hatch to escape. The fellow I know was one of those and he escaped. Sadly the other guy who saved so many, did not survive.


Vietnam veterans were treated atrociously by the Australian public upon their return to Australia.  The Vietnam war was not a popular war and the public did not approve of us being involved. But it was not our sailors/soldiers/airmen's fault, they were sent there.  It was horrible how hordes of protestors lined the streets and jeered, spat at and jostled with the returned servicemen.  Perhaps its little wonder that so many Vietnam Vets turned to alcohol in a big way, and a great deal were diagnosed with PTSD.


A great deal of my more recent memories around Anzac Day revolve around drunkeness and abuse.


My husband joined the navy as a junior recruit only a week prior to the Voyager sinking.  He told me that when his Mum heard about it on the news, she rang the Navy recruiters and demanded that they return her son.  The Navy was not a safe place for an 15 yo boy she said.


@Owlunar @Snowie @Appleblossom @Maggie @Zoe7 @Sans911 @Faith-and-Hope @Zoe7 

Re: Our Special Anzac Day Memories


My husband was in the Air Force for around 10 years and served his country. We teach our children the importance of ANZAC day and to honour all past and present service men/women. It is up to us to educate the next generation so that they can pass it on to theirs.

We stood in the driveway this morning and I was happy to see other families out there too.

Much love and hugs to you today and always 💕💕

Re: Our Special Anzac Day Memories

Geez sorry for loose effort at research ie none @Former-Member
Sorry re abuse. Hope wasn't from person still with.
Ive led a Strange Life .

Re: Our Special Anzac Day Memories

Not a problem at all @TAB ... its funny that many people remember the Melbourne, but not so many The Voyager.  Where as it was the Voyager which sank.  Abuse .. yes current over many years.

Re: Our Special Anzac Day Memories

Yeah remember reading newspapers from trunk in garage @Former-Member uh did you say he still abuses you?

Re: Our Special Anzac Day Memories

@TAB was there too ok no family @Snowie

Re: Our Special Anzac Day Memories

Hey @Former-Member I'm just sending you an email to touch base Smiley Happy


Re: Our Special Anzac Day Memories

Mine would be marching in the Sydney March with a band. Pretty cool