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Re: My journey

@Appleblossom Do you have a favourite style? Mine is Cha Cha, jive & tango ♥️

Clients can be lol.
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Re: My journey


Hello. Thank you. Hope you are having a good day. Trying to remind myself today that 6 months ago I wasn't in the most favourable position but I got through it

Thank you for the support and hope to speak with you more

Re: My journey

Morning @Former-Member. Life is always changing isn't? Sometimes it is better, sometimes it is worse, and often it is in-between. I think we are moving along that sprectrum. I also have moved along from that horrendous self-destructive path of darkness from just 3 months ago. My brain still wants to take me back there, but I can resist it a little better. Many a time my connections and friendships established here in these forums have helped me move away from the brink, and kept me going when I didn't want to go on. The support here is immeasurable. Embrace it, treasure it and use it to feel heard and respected in your MI journey. We've got you.

Re: My journey

morning @Former-Member, I hope your weather is much nicr than mine today Heart

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Re: My journey

Hey @Shaz51 ♥️Hot day here. How are you?
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Re: My journey

Hey @Sans911 I agree. I have been down that path for a while now.
I am glad you have moved on from it and this forum is helping in good ways of distraction among other things

Re: My journey

Okish @Former-Member , my husband who has MI has cabin fever , it is raining here non stop because of the cyclone , he has gone to bed

and I fell asleep on the couch watching tv -- ha ha exciting show ayyy

how are you this afternoon

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Re: My journey

@Shaz51That's good. Are you in Aus?

Good thanks, just at home now. Went to my brothers earlier. My daughter has a toy electrical car lol. Now she is driving it everywhere around home for now ❤️

Re: My journey

I live in far north queensland @Former-Member 

awwww soo cute , sounds like your daughter is loving it

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Re: My journey

@Shaz51 stay safe