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Looking after ourselves

Re: Life after hospital

HI @utopia thank you for sharing all of that and giving me some tips on how to readjust.

its hard to explain the feelings now. its like hmmm how to i explain it. not me but not someone else yet either. im just floating around and not really sure what i should be doing.

im worried that its going to head back to the way it was and that ill end up back there.

its like getting better but im still in the same environment if that makes sense


Re: Life after hospital

@outlander. I understand exactly what you mean. I'm only just starting to feel comfortable going shopping in my town. I still haven't got a full plan going. But I'm keeping to my sleep routine and no alcohol.
I'm just doing little things occasionally. The rest of the time - I'm breathing. That's enough for today.
Go easy on yourself. You are doing what you can do.

Re: Life after hospital

thanks @utopia

i am trying i jsut dont know what to do and dont know whether im arthur or marther at the moment


what about goal setting? has anyone tried goal setting as a form of getting back into life? @Koko@Queenie@oceangirl@Former-Member@Former-Member

Re: Life after hospital


i found drawing to be a huge comfort for me while i was admitted

what do you guys think?1.jpg2.jpg3.jpg

Re: Life after hospital


I think goal setting would be helpful and hopefully improve confidence & self esteem @outlander.

Re: Life after hospital

Thanks @oceangirl

Ok hmm my goal tomorrow is to do a drawing
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Re: Life after hospital

Love your drawings @outlander  good to see you, thanks for the callout. About goal setting - @Former-Member   has a thread somewhere for people list their 'Daily Goals & Motivation" I think its called. Also, found this pictograph to help you set some goals to address the different parts of your life, for balance. But make small steps first, achievable goals so you are not discouraged. Just move fwd, no matter how slow. Proud of you 🙂


Re: Life after hospital

hi @Former-Member thank you for the pic diagram that helps abit too.

im abit lost really. im not use to having time to do the things i want to do. its really foreign to me to take care of myself. i will always take care of others, that wont change but the amount of everything that is expected of me is reduced.

and thanks again, youve been a big part of this journey

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Re: Life after hospital

You're welcome @outlander, sometimes can't manage too many threads, I know you unde stand. Its hard to start being your own best friend first if you've been conditioned otherwise. But start by asking yourself 3 times a day
- what do I feel?
- are my muscles tight? If so take a deep breath, shake it out smile:)
- am I cold, thirsty, sticky or bored? If so is there anything I can do to help look after these things for myself?
You get the drift. Sometimes taking care of these basics is all some of us can manage in recovery. I'm particularly slack with showering and remembering to drink, to move more, get out of bed...
Start simple, baby steps, you'll get there 🙂 🌷🌿🐦🐤💜💕

Re: Life after hospital

Yep i do understand @Former-Member ❤❤
Yes baby steps and just like them stumbling ones at that
Illustration of people sitting and standing

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