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Re: Hello

Went* typo sorry

Re: Hello

I feel like running away otherwise I'm just going to sleep.

Re: Hello

@marchhare I've been a bit quiet on the forum front lately lol - actually taking time away but figure this time of night there is less likelihood of 'coming across' too many people in distress and therefore less triggering. I can hear you already starting to type that that is often me at this time of night lol

@Leglessfrog078 that is all very hard. When life takes such a sharp turn it is very hard to cope with the changes - and being on your own with 3 kids makes it even tougher Smiley Sad

Re: Hello

It's beyond hard now. I don't have the right skill for this. I've tried, really really tired just to keep falling and failing. My kids deserve better then me

Re: Hello

@Leglessfrog078 You have been through a lot and it is no wonder you feel like you do but just reaching out here for support shows courage Smiley Happy Anyone with the courage to leave a DV relationship after so long and then to 'date' again (however that has worked out) shows they do have the strength to keep going. Yes it is tiring and it does get on top of you far more than it doesn't but that is why seeking support is so important - and you have taken that first step here - that in itself is impressive Smiley Happy

Re: Hello

@marchhare I'm bored and wide awake. Anyone else around?

Re: Hello

It seems like I am left on my own again. Should have know better than to be here.

Re: Hello

Hi @Zoe7, just saw your post. Haven't chatted for ages. I'm here if you are still around and would like company. 

Re: Hello

hi Zoe7, it all seems pretty quiet at this end. The early bird morning crew should be stirring soon.

Not applicable

Re: Hello

Hello and welcome to the forums @Leglessfrog078.  Well done in reaching out to someone for some support.  We all need support sometimes, no matter how strong or resilient we may be.  I'm so sorry that it sounds like you dont  have support from either your family or your ex partner.  3 children at the age of yours is a handful for anyone, much less someone trying to do it all on their own.

Have you spoken to your GP about how you are feeling @Leglessfrog078?  There is help that you can receive, and generally your GP is the first point of call at which you should go to seek some assistance.  I would strongly urge you to make an appointment and go see them at your earliest opportunity.  Tell them how you feel, be honest, and tell them you need help.

In the meantime, I feel sure that other forum members will come and talk to you over the coming days.  Its just that you joined up at a time most people were hopefully in bed asleep.  I'm sure you will find that the support and understanding you receive from other members here will be helpful and comforting to you.  @marchhare @Mazarita @Faith-and-Hope @Shaz51.

@Zoe7 - I am so sorry I didnt come on here in the wee hours of the morning.  I could have kept you company for a while.  I was awake, but tried to do some mindfulness.  Sadly it was not very successful.  So its now almost 8am and I am more tired than when I went to bed last night at midnight.  Its true I havent seen you around much for some days.  And I am sorry you felt lonely last night.  

For @Zoe7 and @Leglessfrog078, this is for you.  I hope today is a better day for you, and all others who happen to be reading.

Sherry Heart


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