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Re: Craft Corner

thanks @Maggie
everyone has their own style of crocheting, don't let what others say about your method put you off. if you are ok or don't even notice the way you crochet then I wouldn't be to worried about it. I encourage you to have a go even just something basic for now

Re: Craft Corner

Oooh so lovely @outlander! Did you use a magic ring for the centre? Looking fab 🎉👍😊

Re: Craft Corner

I totally second @outlander there about having another go @Maggie. Always happy to help if I can too 🙂

Re: Craft Corner

@outlander that square your doing looks really nice, I haven't come across one like that before, yeah the more you do the better you become.

I still consider myself as a learner, I've done blankets, squares and now I'm doing a hexagon blanket which sometimes I still have to refer to my notes, this will be my biggest and hardest one I've tried so far.

@Judi9877 I started out doing the granny squares as well and took a while before it looked ok, just little steps at a time as they say.

I've got my crocheting hexagon blanket with 3 new colours and would like to know if you's think the 3 would go with what I've done so far as I'm not good with colour matching and not sure whether to use the same colours for the blanket or to keep adding new ones, tell me what you all think and suggestion please @CheerBear @Maggie @Maggie @Shaz51 Do the 3 new ones matchDo the 3 new ones match


Re: Craft Corner

thanks @CheerBear
no this one doesn't use a magic ring, its just the normal starting look chain, slip stitch and then go from there. I actually have trouble doing the magic ring, I cant seem to get my head around how to do it

Re: Craft Corner

@saturnzoon  They look like natural colours so I think they would go fine with what you are doing. Your blanket is looking really good. 😍😍

Re: Craft Corner

I love your blanket @saturnzoon
I too would consider myself a beginner. the starburst is probably the hardest thing ive done but its not really to hard once you learn the pattern.

Re: Craft Corner

@outlander @CheerBear @saturnzoon @Judi9877  I’m off to check out some crochet. 😁😁

Re: Craft Corner

YAY! @Maggie

Re: Craft Corner

@saturnzoon your blanket looks fabulous ❤ So awesome.

@outlander it took me a while to get my head around the magic ring but once I found a way that worked for me it became much easier.

@Maggie can you hear my happy dance from here?! Yes yay! 😁