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Re: Craft Corner

@Lani  Craft  Corner thread.

Re: Craft Corner

Hello @Maggie @Gazza75 @CheerBear @outlander @Faith-and-Hope @Shaz51 and all crafty people passing through! I hope you are well and having fun with whatever activities you are up to! I’ve finished my beanies - 2- and have done included a photo!


The pattern was simple and was done on 4.5mm knitting needles using 8ply yarn. I hope you like it!


@CheerBear I finally attended my art/craft group today and whilst there was no one doing any art, there were people sewing on machines, doing some knitting in various forms and hand sewing and other things. I really liked meeting new people and seeing the different things people were doing. I did some knitting and got to ask for advice and learn from the others there. It was a great session 


That leads me to some good news that i have been accepted into uni starting soon to do a bachelor degree.Yes, I’m excited but nervous as well as it’s 3 years and I’ve struggled to keep at things due to my MH issues. That means less craft time but I do have holidays so I’ll have to make up for it at the art and craft sessions. I’m planning on having a study schedule and learning all I can about time management as time management and myself at uni in the past have tended not to mix well with me doing assessments like essays the night before they were due in😂!


@Gazza75 that polymer clay rod thing looks like clay I’d like to put on my crochet hooks to make them easier and more comfortable to use. I’d be interested to see how you go with it. @CheerBear  and other crochet members, maybe you’ve come across this with your crochet hooks? I know the polymer clay thing is popular so I’d be interested on your thoughts. 


Okay. Time for me to go and do some other things, like shop for dinner! Have a great day/night! 

Re: Craft Corner

way to go my @Judi9877 Smiley Very HappyHeart

Re: Craft Corner

Hi @Judi9877. So great to hear you went to the group and found it a positive experience. I struggle a bit with things like that at times but I've been trying to find something like it to do. I really badly would like to join a yarn bombing group but find it difficult to find them and join as I don't use social media and as far as I can see they're all social media based. Go you for getting there today.

And huuuuge congratulations with your good news about the course. That's massive and so exciting! Is the course something you've been interested in for a while? It's been a few years since I studied and something I am so looking forward to doing again one day hopefully. Go you!

Love the beanies also. So nice, especially with the ribbed edge ❤

Big go you with all of that Judi 🎉🎉🎉!

Re: Craft Corner

they look lovely @Judi9877 well done 🙂

Re: Craft Corner

love the latest project @Gazza75

Re: Craft Corner

square1.jpg the lighting in my house is awful so it doesnt show the colours very well. the pink is brighter and the blues abit lighter more like a baby blue. ill need quite a few squares so itll take some time but i quite like the starburst pattern. this ones my first attempt so its not so neat but the others dont have the ends or anything sewn in yet. 

@CheerBear @Maggie  and everyone 

Re: Craft Corner

Hi @outlander 👋 

I love the starburst crochet square! It’s gorgeous- well done! My crochet talents exist to the level of granny squares in the traditional sense and making blankets. I also learnt how to do a rectangle by looking at a book called ‘Craft for the Soul’ by Pip Lincoln. I can do what is known as the twister granny square which is a circle in a square which I learnt to do from a Better Homes and Garden magazine a few years ago. Definition- not that many talents in the crochet field I’m sorry! Keep it up! 

Re: Craft Corner

hi @Judi9877
the starburst square is actually pretty easy once you get the hang of it. I can do it without looking at a video or the instructions now. I haven't hear of either of those squares before except the traditional granny square one.

Re: Craft Corner

That’s lovely @outlander  . I made a shawl years ago, basic treble stitch. I was told I looked like I was digging the garden rather than crocheting. 😫😫 I’ve always liked it though. Still tempted. 😐😐🤔🤔