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Re: schizoprenia

hi @Former-Member can be hard for family members. I put my family through a lot with my illness. i never escaped the state because i was put on pto (psychiatric treatment order). it was hard at first because under the order if you don't recieve your treatment plan than decisions are made on your behalf. Thank fully last year or year before that i can't remember i was taken off my order as i didn't seem a threat to anyone and mum is nominate as my care person. is this something that could help him?

i hope this make sense. schizoprenia is a really hard MI i have found that is easy to lose sense of reality and the voices never go away they are there from when you wake up till you got to bed. When i have good days the voices aren't there. In a day i can have no one talking to me and can have some one talking to me in different situations.

I would ring lifeline for support and talking to his dad and your partner for support what you can do also. i can't image what your going through not knowing where he is and what he is doing. that is really hard.i wish you all the best and if you need more information on the illness there is a dvd from sane i have a copy..

Re: schizoprenia

@Former-Member Have you ever read a book by Anne Deveson called "Tell Me I'm Here"? It chronicles the challenges faced by Anne and her family when her son Jonathon is diagnosed with schizophrenia. Her son was extremely ill at times and totally denied there was anything wrong with him or his often bizarre actions and appearances. There is also another book called "Recovered Not Cured" by Richard McLean and chronicles Richard's journey with schizophrenia and also his journey of recovery. Perhaps your local library has copies? 

Both these books (firstly Richard's book) made me realise that there was indeed something wrong and Anne's book I read during my recovery from my first episode, made me realise what my family went through because of this illness. Both books gave me much needed insight. 

Unfortunately your son's lack of insight into his illness makes seeking help for him difficult. You so desperately want to help him and support him, but his behaviours must seem extremely taxing and heartbreaking. I think the best thing you could do is offer him to come home with you but under the proviso that he agrees to be assessed and treated for his illness. You simply cannot keep supporting him financially and have him reliant upon you when he is out of money, if he won't at least give something of himself back in return. 

I'm guessing you want your son back. I do hope you get hold of Anne's book especially, as she has faced similar circumstances and offered some great advice. 

Re: schizoprenia

Hi Samt31,

I have schizophrenia, see my recent post on my story to get a bit of my background. I'm on the DSP and it has helped me.

It feels like I will never win this battle but I am trying to focus on winning each day. Everyone is different when it comes to the illness but that is just the same as everyone is different who is healthy. 

Studying science has helped me, I put a bit of time into researching what the latest news on schizophrenia research is. 

I've kept this short but feel free to write me.

Re: schizoprenia

hi  @Australianbat! where could i find your post? name etc sorry i cant seem to find it. i would love to read it.

DSP is great backup for me. i have only had it for a year and it is a great help.

studying science must be really interesting.

i feel that i have won the battle. but the voices never want to go away that is my daily battle.

Re: schizoprenia

Hi @Australianbat, I'd love to read some of your experiences and back story, but I can't find it anywhere. Under which forum and discussion title was it?


Re: schizoprenia

Hi Sam, I have just found your post many years later so dont think you will get this. But just wanted to say its nice to hear from you. I have had Schizoprenia for three years now and I dont know anyone else with the condition. Am looking to connect with others who are in a similar boat.

Re: schizoprenia

Hello @tigerlady 

Smiley Happy

I wanted to welcome you to the froum and thank you for bringing this thread a little into current time.

Smiley Happy

and also say hello to

@samt31 Smiley Happy@Australianbat Smiley Happy

both whom I do not think I have spoken with before.

Smiley Happy

@Queenie Hey and Hugs

Smiley Happy


I am so sad that a few posts went unanswered and are now left with Former Member monikers cos of limitations of the system.


Not sure if any of the old posters will receive this notification in emails or notice it, but it makes a big difference to tag others and make sure it comes with the hypertext blue.


Tiger Lady ... love your name.


Cheers Apple





Re: schizoprenia

Hi @tigerlady and @samt31 - i have had schizoaffective disorder (which is both schizophrenia and bipolar) for 18 years. it sux but everyday is a huge struggle. i was on the depot fortnightly injection but i nearly died on that medication.. anyways these days i take 9 different medications a day which i hate... i saw my mum today and she said that i looked really tired - considering that i overslept for a few hours today omg. it just sux having a severe mental illness 😞