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Re: A new start (kind of)

indeed @TAB
Most of my resume is volunteering and basic work (tutoring)

So here's hoping it bridges a gap. Time to email that person methinks

Re: A new start (kind of)

Sounds good @MDT I might ring up and see if can get paperwork for centrelink changed

Re: A new start (kind of)

Done @TAB I sent the email.

Your turn to ring up about paperwork and then we are even lol

Re: A new start (kind of)

Haha no answer @MDT its busy day for pays so they get a bit special. Will give it til tomorrow . Sent email yesterday

Re: A new start (kind of)

@Sam3  Yes I am still getting to know the teachers and students. All the teachers have been really supportive and I will get to know the kids gradually as I go. I am working with some individual students and some small groups so I will get to know those kids best to begin with. The kids are really lovely ...but I think all kids are lovely - I suppose that is a good thing in my job lol


It seems like you have given the public vs private school situation a lot of though already and are doing the right thing by your kids. Sometimes a square does not fit in a round hole and you have to find that right fit for your child - quirky is okay as long as he is happy where he is already.  


Try not to beat yourself up about not giving your year 8 enough boundaries - they will test out teachers at that age anyway. It is early in the year so it is a good time for the teacher to inform you of his behaviour and you can talk to him about his responsibilities whilst at school - hopefully between you and the teacher his behaviour in that respect can improve. Remember also that they are finding their own identity very much at that age and they will test out adults in their lives. It is not a huge issue but definitely one to talk to him about.

Re: A new start (kind of)

I came home earlier than I thought I'd be from the gym. I also ran into some of my dads old work colleagues. Wasn't enjoyable. Felt like it was 20 questions. Almost said "I should be overseas" but luckily I didn't. Or else it would just feed into that negative loop.

I feel crap. So much for gym helping me.

@Shaz51 @Zoe7 @Sophia1 @Former-Member @outlander @TAB @Sam3 @BryanaCamp @CheerBear

Re: A new start (kind of)

Hey @MDT. 20 questions rarely feels enjoyable to me and never when I'm not feeling great about myself or where I'm at. I feel like there is no right answer to them sometimes as telling the truth maybe wouldn't be so socially acceptable, but lying or prettying it up doesn't feel right either 😏. Sounds like you did well to stop that loop for yourself with it though.

Sorry you're feeling crap and gym didn't help. That sucks 😑

Re: A new start (kind of)

Sounding a bit down @MDT it's not easy but maybe having something ready to say or just acknowledge they said something say you're in a hurry and keep going,. Wasnt there a similar situation the other day? people do 'the brush' all the time .I'm no good at it mostly, but good at avoiding people who I might be uncomfortable talking to for whatever reason after seeing them lol

Re: A new start (kind of)

I was sitting down drinking my coffee @TAB sadly I couldn't walk off. They came up to me. So I guess this tells me they think I'm approachable. I shook the man's hand but not the woman and felt bad. Is that bad etiquette? I know the man better. Bloody hell... It must've looked like I wasn't doing anything important. Oh great..

Hey @CheerBear I know what you mean about lying and such. When bad stuff is happening it's hard to fake it isn't it? Particularly if the voice in your head says otherwise. A bit like I'm not good enough.

Re: A new start (kind of)

I wouldnt worry about it @MDT  shaking hands is pretty formal these days unless you were returning it. Not sure who shakes womens' hands these days except in business situation , well same for men, best friends maybe? they are probably just being polite and have known you since younger so .. no biggie