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Re: A new start (kind of)

Umm they were a bit querulous as to how it was I didn’t have work 😬 @Zoe7 then offered to put my name forward for an ongoing site job at a site I have a real problem with. I said ok, just sort of mumbled that one of the 2 sites was not my favourite. Ok job is 1 week at 1 site rotating with a week at another. The second ones not too bad. Hope your day went ok 😸

Re: A new start (kind of)

Even though that particular site is not ideal it will give you a little money coming in and that will help @TAB  If it is only for a week then you can get through that. It is good that the second one isn't as bad and you may get ongoing work from it.

My day was good - worked with some kids and have a better idea of what I will be doing over the week. Actually looking forward to going back on Thursday.

Re: A new start (kind of)

Well I could try it for a month if I get it @Zoe7 even 2 days pay would keep wolves away atm. Just got separation cert from work. I replied to email asking them to change reasons for leaving they seem to like seasonal work that means double the waiting period glad your day went ok. And cheeky Wadey got cricketer of the year 😀

Re: A new start (kind of)

Not a huge fan of Wade but he has had an awesome year and really deserved the award @TAB  

I guess you can only try out the work place and try to get through for a short period - it certainly would help you out financially for a while.

Re: A new start (kind of)

Yeah I’d never really heard of him before this year @Zoe7 I thought you might like him as ‘one of my hurricanes ‘ 😬 .. yes if got a months work out of it I’d be over the money and also ready to leave

Re: A new start (kind of)

George Bailey is my favourite but I think he is a lot of people's favourite - he is such a lovely, down to earth kind of guy @TAB 

Whatever work you get out of it will be good to keep your head above water a little - see what happens hey.

Re: A new start (kind of)

From excerpt saw he annointed Wade @Zoe7 anyway dont know either of them

Re: A new start (kind of)

Bailey was the captain until this year where he stepped back from that role and Wade was made captain @TAB 

Re: A new start (kind of)

Thats what I meant. I wasn’t aware of that til the other day @Zoe7

Re: A new start (kind of)

Hi @MDT @TAB @Zoe7 and others following this thread. Hope your days were good. I trust @Zoe7  that you’re still in get-to-know kids & teachers mode as you roam between allocated classrooms? Are you physically 100per cent (can the same be said for mentally?!!! For any of us ever??!!). Still an abstainee @TAB ? Was brunch pleasant @MDT & are you easing up on yourself? I had 2 excellent days where I felt alive & joyful. Last night I got a little harassed by the endless recruitment process of electronic uploads to multiple data bases involving nonfunctional logins & blah blah blah and managed to get barely any sleep despite feeling ok mood-wise. Anyway, I was tired today & tortured myself with with more government website uploading of documents & went to the movies (if feeling depressed, I would apply caution if considering Mary Queen of Scots). I had a phone call from a teacher about my year 8 child’s behaviour in class eg. not focusing on tasks (eg. viewing pics on his lap top possibly tryingbto impress neighbours instead of listening to teacher & entering science data). Sounds silly but that pushes my buttons (I haven’t given the child enough structure, boundaries, work ethic, positive peer group STOP STOP STOP ! To make matters worse the year 12 one spontaneously wanted me to read an exemplar English essay on private vs public schools (pro the latter) & has counselled me in how to parent his younger sibling! I don’t want the year 8 one to go to a strict/restrictive private school because I don’t think it would suit his quirkiness & he’s confirmed he likes things “easy” & he doesn’t want to go to an “uptight” private school! All this within 24 hours of my resolution to make the best of our very relaxed/slack/drug supplied local high school (the uniform is interpreted by individuals in a post-modernist way) & to not entertain any more ruminations about it! On the positive all 5 of us had dental checkups with no work required (up until braces for the year 8 one next year!). Sleep well forumites, especially @Shaz51