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Re: Setting appropriate goals.

Thanks @Appleblossom,

Yes the "making a million dollars" dreams can be a bit whacky. The trouble it they do work for some people athough not as many as who try and fail.


I thought I would share a link for a career assessment that I have completed.



Re: Setting appropriate goals.

Setting goals is sooo important; writing it down impresses it on the Subconsious as such you are more likley to achieve them.
One thing I like to do is set recreation targets in therms of adventures.... It lifts my mood just to think I have them to look forward to
I have set a bucket list to achieve in terms of travel and even though it does not start till next year I'm already excited about it....
The next 2 goals explore the " Bogey Hole" at Molly Mook and in Autumn to take my brothers son snd probably some of his friends to climb "Byangee Walls"..,, in Atumn this year.,,,,Can't wait to photograph Byangee and the views from it with my new camera.,,

Re: Setting appropriate goals.

I hope to subsides my trips through travel/ adventure articles with photographs sell them to mags and via image library I will put on line " sometime" need to set a goal for this so will make it next winter 2016

Re: Setting appropriate goals.

I wish you had been around to be my brother's uncle @AlienBP2.  An afternoon or two like that during our childhood would have actually made a difference. 

By the time he was with an uncle he was 20 and had a motor cycle accident out of state and seriously wrecked his knees and hips.  Yet he got a job on a pineapple farm which ripped the scabs off ... at that stage he didnt SH that much but when we are not even allowed to heal genuine wounds properly and are accused of being lazy ... it put him in a precarious position.

He might still be here today if one of mum's 5 strapping uncles could have thought like you.  But I need to ACCEPT the past and COMMIT to my future.

Re: Setting appropriate goals.

Dear @Former-Member and @Claired @Appleblossom @hopeandsupport  @AlienBP2


I've been trying to write my values down but keep on getting side much to do....

I've crochetted two bags (not great, not exactly what I want)

The letters Ive helped a group of people their housing situation  are getting answered ......

I cannot write properly and want to write letters to too many people but if I slow down.....

maybe Im like Amorphorus.... like @Appleblossom

Im not very clever but Im kind. Amorphorus means unstable/changing right??Heart

I must look at that career site....



Re: Setting appropriate goals.

I just checked in my cancer brother's blog .... he wrote amidst a lot of other stuff:


"I will die soon"  and "I have enough"


It is so sad.  I wish he had been more mature when I first welcomed him back into our family ... we might have had an extended family together ... but we had what we had and I have a lovely photo on the wall of him with my daughters and niece and nephew ... It was all money money money, then ... and how stupid other people were ... for who knows what reasons ... I hope he makes it past this christmas ... I am planning to go up for New Year ... maybe should be ready to have christmas in Sydney too.


amorphous ... is a lovely word @PeppiPatty  good to see you


I have been distracted too when writing goals and values ... but put them in journals and find an unfinished list later ... 6 months, or a year later ... and then go back to it ... dont be too hard on yourself

we shouldnt be micro managing ... or we will miss the big picture.Heart



Not applicable

Re: Setting appropriate goals.

Hi @Appleblossom,

I thought I would touch base with this thread because I think I have made some progress.

When I first started trying to set goals I felt really selfish and frightened of reactions. 

I had support and pushed through these fears and reached out for more support when I needed it.

I am feeling much more confident and just more able to get things done.

I think that it is good to have some SMART goals but also good to have an ideal to work towards, Maybe as was suggested earlier in the thread the person I would like to be,


Re: Setting appropriate goals.

Hi @Former-Member I hope your daughter is doing well with her music and you are getting more out of life.

Sorry I just read this post in an old email, but the kind of goals we set make a big difference ...

At the moment I am trying to do lots of tying up of lose ends ... sorting through paperwork, cleaning out digital files on an old off-line computer that I thought was broken .. being thorough ... it might still take a few months .... and then I might get onto my mobile phone ... after all the important t's are crossed and i's dotted.

Re: Setting appropriate goals.

Hello @Carer101 and @Claired @Appleblossom @hopeandsupport  @AlienBP2, @PeppiPatty

this is a great tread @Former-Member

Can I ask you how you did this , get started ???--

(When I first started trying to set goals I felt really selfish and frightened of reactions. 

I had support and pushed through these fears and reached out for more support when I needed it.)

(I am feeling much more confident and just more able to get things done.) -- this is great , and I think this would be good for me too

Re: Setting appropriate goals.

Thank you for including me in your thread @Shaz51 

My darling friend.....

Deos anyone want a cup of tea? I'm just reading the thread after making anyone a cuppa tea....

PPcup of tea.jpg