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Re: Topic Tuesday // Understanding Mindfulness // Tues 25 Sep, 7pm AEDT

Hiya @Shaz51 ๐Ÿ˜Š

@Adgereally sorry to hear that. That would be very stressful. I think its interesting you mentioned using mindfulness to distract you. To me mindfulness would be acknowledging both the stress and worry that's inside you (rather than trying to move away from them) while also engaging in whatever else is going on (like this discussion). I can see how completely absorbing yourself in something like this may work as a mindful kind of distraction though.

Re: Topic Tuesday // Understanding Mindfulness // Tues 25 Sep, 7pm AEDT

Good question @Shaz51 - I guess it is a little different in that being mindful is trying to bring us to the present moment, not so much focusing on what needs to happen in the future. However its good to be organised! Instead you could be writing a list of your feelings in the moment? Or you could just be being mindful of the list you are writing, maybe noticing the pen you are writing with, the colour ink, the paper you are writing on?


@SA64 great to see how much of a positive impact mindfulness has had on you. There are some really helpful apps out there. I like that you mentioned that you felt like it was selfish at first too - in realising it was necessary did that thought change?

Re: Topic Tuesday // Understanding Mindfulness // Tues 25 Sep, 7pm AEDT

What are some other mindfulness tasks you may have tried or heard of?

@Former-Member, ha ha a very much needed cup of coffee , where you think about the smell when you put the water into the coffee and wants to drink it up xx

Re: Topic Tuesday // Understanding Mindfulness // Tues 25 Sep, 7pm AEDT


What are some other mindfulness tasks you may have tried or heard of?

It can be anything the brings you to the present moment. For example

Washing the dishes - the warm water, the feel of the cloth in your hand. 

Patting the dog, listening to a meditation, listening to music, going for a walk and noticing things around you, using your 5 senses

Re: Topic Tuesday // Understanding Mindfulness // Tues 25 Sep, 7pm AEDT

This is an interesting comment @CheerBear - and your persepctive on how you approach a task is right here. Mindfulness may not be a distraction as such but it is a way to bring us away from negative thoughts and into a more understanding moment. Acknowledging and moving on if that's what you are needing. By engaging wholly in an activity and staying present within it - that can be a mindful activity too. 

Re: Topic Tuesday // Understanding Mindfulness // Tues 25 Sep, 7pm AEDT

@SA64 great to see how much of a positive impact mindfulness has had on you. There are some really helpful apps out there. I like that you mentioned that you felt like it was selfish at first too - in realising it was necessary did that thought change?

Yes, I eventually realised that it wasn't selfish to take care of myself.  When my daughter was first unwell I thought only of what she was going through, and didn't realise I was on  a journey side by side with her.  I do not find caring for  myself, while care for others as selfish anymore at all.

Re: Topic Tuesday // Understanding Mindfulness // Tues 25 Sep, 7pm AEDT

ah ha   @Former-Member, I like watering the garden


Re: Topic Tuesday // Understanding Mindfulness // Tues 25 Sep, 7pm AEDT

There are some good ideas of mindfulness activities coming through! @Snowie those are great. The five senses one is quite a popular one I think and I particularly like it to. 

Another idea is bringing awareness to listening and talking. Can you listen without agreeing or disagreeing, liking or disliking, or planning what you will say when it is your turn? When talking, can you just say what you need to say without overstating or understating? Can you notice how your mind and body feel?

Re: Topic Tuesday // Understanding Mindfulness // Tues 25 Sep, 7pm AEDT

Gardening is quite a good sensory experience @Shaz51 - great for actioning some mindfulness in a day!

Re: Topic Tuesday // Understanding Mindfulness // Tues 25 Sep, 7pm AEDT

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