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Re: Topic Tuesday // Understanding Mindfulness // Tues 25 Sep, 7pm AEDT

@Former-Member, I think to understand mindfulness more

Re: Topic Tuesday // Understanding Mindfulness // Tues 25 Sep, 7pm AEDT

Hi @Former-Member @Adge @Shaz51 @Former-Member and all.

Like you Adge, my understanding of mindfulness is that it is about being in the present moment. Also experiencing things in the "now" without judgment.

I hope (and try to use) mindfulness to help me not get too caught up in my emotions.

Re: Topic Tuesday // Understanding Mindfulness // Tues 25 Sep, 7pm AEDT

Trying to be more present in each moment @Former-Member Instead of getting caught-up in thoughts about the past, or the future. That way I can better interact with people in the here & now, & take up present opportunities - instead of missing out on them (because feeling yukky etc). For example - this morning Dr diagnosed a serious Hernia needing fairly urgent surgery. I'm feeling very stress about that, & am caught up in thoughts & feelings about it (all of today). So instead I'm trying to engage in a Mindfulness discussion - to distract myself positively away from that. Adge

Re: Topic Tuesday // Understanding Mindfulness // Tues 25 Sep, 7pm AEDT

Welcome along @SA64 - great to have you with us this evening. 

Some mindfulness activities can be very much related to grounding techniques!

Re: Topic Tuesday // Understanding Mindfulness // Tues 25 Sep, 7pm AEDT

hello @SA64, @CheerBear Smiley Happy


Re: Topic Tuesday // Understanding Mindfulness // Tues 25 Sep, 7pm AEDT

Hi @Former-Member

Mindfulness to me is bringing one's attention to the present moment. I am hoping it can help me with my everyday life but I know it is not something that can be taught overnight. It needs practice to be able to do mindfulness properly. 

Re: Topic Tuesday // Understanding Mindfulness // Tues 25 Sep, 7pm AEDT

Welcome @CheerBear! Thanks for sharing your goals. And @Adge what a great achievement already to join in tonight to get away from negative thoughts. I think everyone’s interpretations of mindfulness is pretty spot on.


Mindfulness is (as defined in this SANE blog) a mental and physical technique you can use to focus your awareness on the present moment. Being in the moment helps you acknowledge, accept and cope with painful or intrusive thoughts, feelings and sensations.


Here are just a few fundamentals of mindfulness:

  • Observing (paying attention to what you might see in front of you, what colour is the plate you are eating your breakfast on?)
  • Describing (describe an object in front of you as if to someone else who couldn’t see it)
  • Noticing thoughts and being non-judgemental

 2.Notice thoughst come and go.jpg

What are some other mindfulness tasks you may have tried or heard of?

Re: Topic Tuesday // Understanding Mindfulness // Tues 25 Sep, 7pm AEDT


 a question ---- is being Mindfulness different to thinking and writting down what you need to do tomorrow ??

Re: Topic Tuesday // Understanding Mindfulness // Tues 25 Sep, 7pm AEDT

I certainly find apps help.  I started out with a mindfulness app and switched to guided meditation. They are short and sweet, about 10 minutes long, and I set aside time each day to do them.  It took  me a while to get in the groove of it, but it's now part of my life.  I certainly found it difficult at first to do self care as I thought of it as selfish.  Turned out it was necessary.  It has helped me so much over the years in all aspects of my life.

Re: Topic Tuesday // Understanding Mindfulness // Tues 25 Sep, 7pm AEDT

Welcome @Snowie - always good to be realistic about the strategies we take into our everyday. It's a good start to be here and learning with everyone!