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Finding myself…my authentic self at 50 after recently being diagnosed (just under a year ago) ASD and ADHD

Very fortunate to have a supportive long term partner whom I consider my best friend. Have cycled through 5+ jobs in 2 years often leading due to burnout/overwhelm. This has created financial impacts within our household. My sense of self is low and within any new role I gain I question my abilities and judge my efforts harshly. When engaging in more traditional eastern teachings about how our bodies function and heal I feel more myself and genuine. I am having difficulty maintaining this within my day to day life however


Re: Finding myself…my authentic self at 50 after recently being diagnosed (just under a year ago) ASD and ADHD

Hi @Miffysmum, welcome to the forum.  It took me until my 50s as well to start to really try and figure out all those issues I had always had rattling around in my head.  A supportive partner is invaluable and I'm lucky there as well.  It's the only relationship I've ever been in and it's been 11 years so far, so I like to think I have a perfect 'undefeated' record rather than think about those first 42 years.


That self doubt is a hard one to get past.  It always takes me a while to feel like I haven't 'conned' my way into a job.

Re: Finding myself…my authentic self at 50 after recently being diagnosed (just under a year ago) ASD and ADHD

Hi 👋🏼 @Miffysmum how are you adjusting to your medication?

It takes a little while to get used to it.

Getting diagnosed and medication was the best thing that ever happened to me.


Re: Finding myself…my authentic self at 50 after recently being diagnosed (just under a year ago) ASD and ADHD

Hi @Miffysmum 


I also wanted to extend you a warm welcome from our community. I hope you'll find this a place where you can get the support you need to live a happy and healthy life. 

See you around the forums 🙂

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