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hallucinations and delusions which have impacted upon you *trigger warning*

Hi everyone I thought I might do a post on hallucinations and delusions which have left a mark on us both good, bad and funny. I actually feel it could be quite therapeutic to get it out and post it to the world :).Okay some of the ones that have stuck with me are :

I would have vivid dreams of 3 men who would sit at the end of my bed and would tell me to do these weird things .... I would then do these things and then fall straight back to sleep. I wont tell you what these things are as it won't get past the Sane censor which is fair enough:).


I twice had screaming of female and male (mainly female) voices in my house it was like some one had a microphone on loud. It was deafening. 


I thought the house was bugged and bought a very expensive gadget to locate them. I also thought the car was bugged and would spend hours looking for the devices.


They are just a few of the ones I feel brave enough to discuss on the forums. Others are so personal it will take me some time to throw caution to the wind and to let them go. Love peaxxx


Re: hallucinations and delusions which have impacted upon you *trigger warning*

It’s good back to think of them as funny, thanks for sharing

Re: hallucinations and delusions which have impacted upon you *trigger warning*


hmmm interesting topic. as far as impact negatives one would be that I was convinced someone was going to break into my house and hurt me and my family to the point where i couldnt do anything except sit and watch outside all day and wouldnt eat or drink or anything until there was another person in the house. that feeling has not totally left and i still get very scared that someone is going to break in but where i am living now there is more locks to get through and also not so many hiding places. 


other ones that werent so terrifying..... i spent some time looking for and making things for sprites and fairys and nature spirits. I also made friends with a tree that i spoke to telepathically he was nice, very supporitve. 


other as you have said are way to personal so they stay in the vault. 

Re: hallucinations and delusions which have impacted upon you *trigger warning*

@Eden1919 Hey Eden1919 I love your fairies and nature spirits :). Particularly the friendship you had with the tree that is lovely :)xx

Re: hallucinations and delusions which have impacted upon you *trigger warning*

@Former-Member  Hey chaos yes I think about them from time to time because they were such a huge part of my life and now all of that has gone thanks to medication. It was a kind of a special time which is now in the past.

Re: hallucinations and delusions which have impacted upon you *trigger warning*

Thankyou for sharing thise stories, it has made me feel not so unusual. 

Ive seen and heard my ex in the house, heard him speak to me, call me, was so real I fell apart.

I also think he has cameras on the prooerty to try snd catch me doing something he wouldn't approve of so he can continue to cause issues and often when im driving am convinced he, or someone he has arranged is following me, even in completely random places where really unlikey but ut feels so real and frightening!! These are like others, the mild ones.

Thankyou to everyone who shared, while I'm sorry to hear you are dealing with these things at least its not just me!I've never told anyone these things as most people would think ohoh she finally gone over the edge...

Re: hallucinations and delusions which have impacted upon you *trigger warning*


Re: hallucinations and delusions which have impacted upon you *trigger warning*

@greenpea  yes the tree was very kind and felt warm to be around i would go and sit and talk with him. i wish there was a way for you to have the good ones back without the others coming as well. I always find it difficult because whenever people talk about psychosis it is always about the scary things not the wonderful things and amazing things you can experience. but it is hard when you speak to someone and they say oh that must have been so scary, sometimes i will just nod and say yes but inside i will smile a little as i remember the fun stuff. actually i was reading somewhere but cant remember where now that it is mostly western societies where people experience the "scary" psychosis symptoms and in a lot of other cultures peoples symptoms are a lot more positive. but it went into more detail i just cant remember lol. 

Re: hallucinations and delusions which have impacted upon you *trigger warning*

@Eden1919  Interesting re western cultures being mainly negative. I once mentioned to my psychiatrist that I had a hallucination where I had a gush of warm glow that went through my torso up though me. It was like sparkles and light. It was wonderful but he looked horrified and upped my meds lol.  I could do with more of those lol and should have kept my big mouth shut :).

Re: hallucinations and delusions which have impacted upon you *trigger warning*

@greenpea  hahahahaha I have had one of those feels great it is like all your insides are warm and glowing. lol about your psych mine did that too when i said i was feeling really good and had this look on their face like i was absolutely bonkers. i still dont see the problem i wasnt at risk of anything just enjyoing the feeling but nope psychs dont like anything extreem you have to stay on the very narrow line with them or it is more meds.