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Something’s not right

Senior Contributor

Distressing feelings about others. Don't know how to cope.

I have a very crap time these last nine months. In particular the last two weeks have been frustrating and depressing in regards to people's complete disrespect and lack of communication towards me, personally and professionally. I'm feeling deeply depressed and not wanting to engage with anyone. The thought of doing that fills me with anxiety and panic.


Professionally, I put in a submission for funding with my local business hive. That took me a lot if courage and out if my own comfort zone. I really do need funding and other things this place offers. I spoke to the person in thus department after putting in my submission. She said it us fairly straightforward from here, I assess it and give you an answer as to the result of your application. 


I was excited and hopeful. I thought it would be good to have support for me and much needed funding. I left it for her to make her decision. That was roughly two weeks ago. I have sent her a follow up email to ask about the progress of my application  Outcome, no acknowledgement and no response. So very disheartening for me and I'm very upset and sad. I'm not wanting to get in touch about it anymore. 


Professionally, I got approached about a project from a client. He told me about the project and asked what my professional fees were. I got the drift that he wanted the project completed do I sent him my proposal and quote. Preparing a proposal and quite takes time. Time, I'm not being paid for. I emailed it to him and have given him a few days. I followed up with him yesterday to see if he has had a chance to look at it and decide whether he wishes to go ahead. Outcome, no response and no acknowledgement. Disheartened and further frustration, depression getting worse. This is my bread and butter. How I make a living. Hesitant to reach out to him anymore and I will just let go of the project. 


Personally, had a doctor's appt the other day. I'm new to this surgery and will be going elsewhere. Where I live there are no bulk billing doctors. An appt can cost me anywhere of $130 to $150 before a rebate. It's a lot if money to come up with. They really stuffed up on my last visit which meant my rebate was declined from Medicare. They still have not sorted it out and it's been almost two weeks. It's out if my hands as it is between the surgery and Medicare. There is nothing I can do, I tried. Financially, I struggled as a result cause I relied on my rebate. I'm very upset and feel so powerless. 


Sane surgery and I'm having to consider whether to report the doctor I saw for unprofessional conduct which could have resulted in tragic consequences for me. He did not provide a safe experience when I was already in distress. I didn't have the energy to fight. I'm feeling horrible about what happened and I just have very little energy and support. 


I truly am starting to become very withdrawn, not trusting of anyone and just have no coping skills anymore. It is not all that has happened, it's just some of the things. I can't do anything anymore. I can't force people to talk to me or acknowledge me. 

I feel worthless. I know it's more a reflection of others, than it is of me but it's doing damage anyhow. 


I don't know what to do to get through this? I really have no idea. I want some reprieve from things. Some bonafide dilutions, some hope, some healing, a way out, a way forward cause I don't know anymore. I'm just plain tired and very depressed. 




Re: Distressing feelings about others. Don't know how to cope.

Hi @Powderfinger 


You certainly are having a rough time right now and the professional people you have been trying to deal with are treating you with disrespect is making it worse  - you have the right to feel horrible 


The only helpful thing I can say is that when people are discourteous it's no reflection on your character - they are using their bad manners and that is really hard to take. It's obviously demoralizing you. You deserve better 


It has to be hard to keep putting yourself out there after being ignored. I hope you can keep going but I can read here and elsewhere it's tough yards  - I do hope things improve for you 


Dec 🦉😷



Re: Distressing feelings about others. Don't know how to cope.

@Owlunar hi 


Yes, I know it is more a reflection of them. To be honest, I'm so confused about what I feel and think anymore. It's like a toddler that's learning how to walk. Wobbly, jelly like legs, a couple of falls and sometimes just too tired to try get back up. 

I'm finding it very hard to see the good in humanity. Getting more withdrawn. Society actually makes me feel unwell sometimes. I find people draining. 

I used to have an sir of exuberance when talking to people. Now, I just feel flat and tired most of the time. 


Running a small business presents with another not do nice part of humanity at times. I'd rather just stay home and have some peace. It's just too much. My home is my haven, one place where I get to choose. 


I need time to rest, recover, heal and get some of my energy back. There's moments where I hurt so bad so just want to scream 



Re: Distressing feelings about others. Don't know how to cope.

Do it!

Face down in the pillow and scream. I've done it more than once lately, the most recent I also threw in a satisfying kicking of my legs into the bed.. it definitely sorted through some emotional stuff. The car is my other scream and swear venue! 

I have huge admiration for anyone with a small business. I lack the clout and go get it nature, and also the stress would overwhelm me. You ARE amazing. You've reminded me of a classic tshirt that said 'I used to be a people person, but people ruined for me'. We introverts need to hunker down and look after ourselves.

It's pure poetry how you're describing your home as your haven. Take good care of yourself and do lovely things for you... talk to me anytime. My past week has really stretched my emotional well-being, as Mum's been very unwell and has needed her basic dignity upheld. Go well. We are a world family...I care about you 

Re: Distressing feelings about others. Don't know how to cope.

Hi @Powderfinger 


I hear you - if you are living in Melbourne I would think you are troubled by the lock down - this is not a fun time right now and I imagine a lot of people are suffering from some kind of burn-out


I have been okay most of this time except for a time when I had a physical injury that took time until I was lucky enough to have an elective procedure - but there are many other people suffering all sorts of anxiety issues and on the news last night - a lot of people are at boiling point


But how do you go on? - if you feel you need a break is it possible for you to take a break and allow yourself time to heal? - It might help a great deal to take things easy for a while especially if you are suffering from lock-down-burn-out.


I wish you the best - if home is a haven then it might be an excellent time to stay there - I hope that is possible for you




I shoulda been in the AFL and gone to Qld for a lock down in a bubble at my favourite hotelI shoulda been in the AFL and gone to Qld for a lock down in a bubble at my favourite hotel

Re: Distressing feelings about others. Don't know how to cope.


I'm in WA. Been through lockdown like everyone else in Australia. That really impacted on my mental health. I understand being told you can't go anywhere, do anything and basically restricted. I can also understand boiling point. Corona virus changed the entire world. It will never be the same. I don't talk about it much cause it makes me want to cry a lot. 

I truly feel like I need a two to three week holiday. The issue is work. I'm struggling financially and need to make money. I work for myself.i also feel extremely isolated. I have therapy tomorrow and I plan on talking about how to get myself back together again. My life completely fell apart with my breakdown. I have no support besides this place and my therapist. It is not enough. 


Re: Distressing feelings about others. Don't know how to cope.

Hey @Powderfinger

I'm really sorry to hear you are under financial and work pressure, and feeling very isolated. It may not feel like enough but it is good to hear you are so actively reaching out for support here and elsewhere to get through. Sitting with you 🌻

Re: Distressing feelings about others. Don't know how to cope.



Thank you. 

Re: Distressing feelings about others. Don't know how to cope.

I’m feeling every bit of this. I am trying to get myself help. Been trying for 2 weeks, I feel like no one wants to help me. Was sent to the hospital today, only to be turned away because I wasn’t “mentally ill” enough or “not bad” to be admitted. Like how can they do that? And they wonder why suicidal rates are going up. People go looking for help only to be turned away and then it’s too late.

Re: Distressing feelings about others. Don't know how to cope.

Hi @SANEKat22 

Welcome to the SANE forums! It's great to have you come here and thanks for telling the community a bit about yourself.   I really hope you will be able to get the help you need soon. Please keep persisting and keep yourself safe.  I'm sure the forum members will be able to offer you support, information and connection.

I'm the moderator on duty right now.   Feel free to ask the SANE forum team or the members if you need help wbeen able to comeith how to use the forum. You might like to check out the Guidelines as they can be pretty useful in understanding how it all  works

Take care.


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