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Strategies for anger

Hey I wanted to make a space for people who experience chronic or pervasive anger in their lives to share their experience and strategies that have helped them. Hopefully we can learn from each other, empathise and better manage our anger as it can be very isolating 


Re: Strategies for anger

Yes you're not wrong @M3ridian 

You've captured it in one paragraph for me.

And I can add that it's probably a greif generator as well.

I have an email from SANE to read. Have to wait for the library to open.

Re: Strategies for anger

Hi @M3ridian 


Thanks for raising this topic. Anger is insidious. It can get things done, but it can point us in the wrong direction at times, especially if it keeps us trapped in the past. What I mean by getting things done, is that it can fuel us to better ourselves, to push forwards, to adapt. But for who, and why? So it can be a double-edged sword. 

When it dissipates, is it just disappointment and grief-tears, like @Stout mentioned, that things could, 'should' have been different?  I don't know..


I like to garden. To watch things grow, to have a moment away from 'should'. To admire the perfect imperfection of nature. 

Re: Strategies for anger

i think it can be useful if you acknowledge that it isn't a character flaw, if that is a concern. maybe look into the root cause of the anger. it's often frustration. 

i find that that expressing to the other person, if it is when you're talking to someone else, that it's not them that you're angry with, it takes a bit of pressure off, and gives an opportunity to regain control. if you know that something is going to make you angry before you even start, just say so, if you're likely to swear, just say that you're likely to swear.

i feel it gives me more space to control myself

Re: Strategies for anger

hey @M3ridian,

the way i was brought up, my parents were allowed to express anger in unhealthy ways simply because they were the adults and i was not allowed to express it the same way + wasn't taught a healthy way to release it. i felt so much shame and embarrassment towards myself whenever i felt rage because i didn't know how to handle it appropriately until my friend suggesting gym & boxing.

i've tried journaling, it's helpful in steading my mind when i'm overwhelmed with angry thoughts but my body still stores that anger afterwards - so i've started going gym or even just blasting my favourite songs in my headphones and dancing out the tense feelings.

love that you've created this thread @M3ridian, anger is an emotion i've always struggled to regulate in healthy ways and i look forward to learning from everyone here 😊

Re: Strategies for anger

@M3ridian awesome idea great initiative 👏🏼

I get more annoyed at self entitled people’s uncommon sense.


Re: Strategies for anger

Hi I don't have Strategies for anger infact I was hoping I could share my story about anger.


I hope my story is acceptable because I'm angry it won't be.


It's harmless to seek help but I'm angry people don't help people. 


So sorry if my post is anger I am not angry with this forum.


I suffer from paranoid Schizophrenia and my thoughts are very negative as you can see. This makes me angry because i am not comfortable with who i am because of this mental illness. I expect people are going to be scared or reject me. I could call myself the human reject mall..haha that was kind of funny! Story of my life. Please and no offence everyone 


Just trying to join in the conversation. I don't know how to help 

Re: Strategies for anger

hey @BlueBlu welcome!

your feelings are valid, anger included. it can hard to adjust to diagnoses and accept parts of ourselves that we're not comfortable with, and it's definitely okay to feel angry about it. the good news is that we can learn to let go of that anger and find healthy ways to manage/release/express those feelings. 

thank you for sharing BlueBlu, its nice to know we're not alone in our experiences with anger 💗

Re: Strategies for anger

@unreal I really like what you posted.

Society puts anger and violence into the same category.

I’m tired of being an easy target.


Re: Strategies for anger

I hate dealing with this settlement. 
I just hate everything about my ex-narc 

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