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Re: My journey

@Zoe7I am sorry for attacking you the other day. I am so in my head sometimes. Today I feel a bit better. I worked all day so I guess I was distracted in a good way. I do feel that especially from the trauma when I am right back there where events happened.

I can genuinely say I have seen the other side of the world and in my head things just get dark

I have avoided certain people because I hate myself everytime it happens and don't want to feel what I feel when it happens but at times it has been unavoidable

I wasn't always like this. When I am working I feel normal. I hate overthinking. I just can't believe how much I have changed within this last week

I remember my ex telling me to never cry just crying even makes me feel weak now

I have been smoking like crazy when not at work and I want to stop but can't because my anxiety is sky high when i am in my head

I have had financial stress within the last week I don't know if that has triggered me
The longer time passes others mainly family keep telling me I am getting better but in all honesty I feel like I am losing myself more and more every day and falling more apart
It gets harder I just want closer I just want to feel myself

Re: My journey

@Former-MemberSometimes I like people's posts not because I like what is posted, but as a gentler background way of saying that I hear you when you look at your notifications.  Also being a little bit afraid I will put my foot in my mouth and say the wrong thing.    I have been in those extremely overwhelmed states and very defensive etc when also loving and looking afer my children. It is hard no doubt about that. It takes a lot to get financially established and a supportive group of people around you.  Especially when you have come out of an abusive relationship.

It is a start getting to know people on the forum and sharing a bit and relating.

Take care

Re: My journey

hey @Former-Member still here for you 

Re: My journey

There is no harm done @Former-Member - I figured you were not doing so well and I just so happened to be around - but thank you for the apology - it means a lot Heart

The true character of a person is shown when they can see that they have done something to upset someone else and can apologise for it - so that shows me YOUR strength of character and you should be proud of this within yourself Smiley Happy

I think like so many of us here @Former-Member that 'other side of the world' is a very dark place to be. I seem to be constantly teetering between sitting on the fence between light and dark and falling towards or in the darkness - and it sucks!

That feeling of 'being back there' is so debilitating - you can't think, you seem to stop feeling yet you feel everything and there seems no path back to the present or reality - I know this place well @Former-Member as it seems do you - I am so sorry you have to know this kind of pain but know I get it and am here for you - to listen, to chat or just to sit with you when you need some company.

Crying does not make you weak Hon - it is your body's way of letting out emotions and that means you are feeling - I did not/could not cry for many years as I was so shutdown emotionally - that is not to say I did not feel things it was just that things would get so hard that my whole body would literally shutdown. 

The great thing about you being on the forum @Former-Member is there are so many people who have or are experienceing the same or similar things as you are right now - so you are not alone - financial stress, not working, family, ex's, life - can all get to everyone but throw in a MI as well and life seems unbearable - baby steps @Former-Member - just take each day as it comes and deal with what you need to each day individually - even break your day into manageable blocks of time...


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Re: My journey

@Appleblossom It takes everything. I feel like a little girl some days starting all over again. I feel constantly stuck in reverse most days. I never ever understood broken until this....

I don't want others to be scared of me.
This is why I feel like him in so many ways.
I was frightened for my life with my daughter.

I do hope you and your children are safe now too and you are coping as best you can now
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Re: My journey

@outlander Thank you
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Re: My journey

@Zoe7 You do get it. I am so sorry for acting the way I did. You are fighting like hell too.
You are very very strong to be able to help others still while you are suffering. I feel like I have lost faith I feel like it has made me lose humanity in society and I also feel like I have lost my softness. You really do sound like me.
I feel shutdown. It's so hard most days I just can't believe how much of a shell I am now and fearful of life and people at times
Sometimes I can't believe my own reactions or triggers I sometimes just think what just happened and I then i just cry shut down or get really insecure and confused

I don't understand me most days anymore

Re: My journey

There is absolutely no need to be sorry @Former-Member you were hurting and I understand that Smiley Sad

I think understanding ourselves and being able to help ourselves are 2 very different things. I understand myself and that in-fact often adds to my sadness as so much of who am I has been shaped by trauma. Both the positive and negative characteristics of ME may not be there without what has happened to me - but that also leads me to fighting with my own self and often the negativity wins because that suffering is still so prominent!

I can be triggered by something that seems so innocuous - like birds chirping, a song, a word... nd those things are all around us and it happens so unexpectedly at times. I find my physical reaction to such triggers is what overwhelms me the most - it is something I can't control and not having that control is yet another trigger... too much of my life being 'controlled' by others and what they have done to me!!!!

I am trying to take each day as it comes and in those days hour by hour and minute by minute if need be - this is the only way I have found to stay safe (as safe as possible anyway) and not get too overwhelmed by what 'could come' because if I stay in the mindset of worrying about tomorrow or the next day etc. then it becomes too overwhelming and I just can't cope. Baby steps and in small increments... because that is all I can achieve right now @Former-Member


Re: My journey

@Former-MemberI sometimes still feel like a girl and I am quite an old bird! Woman LOL

My situation is still complicated and far from ideal, but I keep at it. Thanks for caring to ask.

The best tool for me during my worst times was a form of meditation called metta.  "Loving-kindness"

As we care for our children we need a little part of our mind/energy to care for ourselves. It was very slow but I learned a lot and it helped me in teaching too.

There is also a parenting thread I think @CheerBear started ... maybe have a look at that.

@Zoe7is right. The capacity to apologise means a lot.

Take care of the part of YOU that is still little or hurt.  Be gentler on your expectations of being the perfect mum. Its alright to be a "Good enough" mum.



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Re: My journey

@Zoe7 I feel like that too with what has been done to me. I am finding it hard just to fight through the anxiety every day. Some days it is worse than others.

@Appleblossom I didn't ask because it none of my business... If you want to share it do so but I don't force people to tell me things

I have a tattoo (loving kindness) on my foot that I had done before I met my ex partner.
I was kind. I was loving and I definately didn't hate anyone
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