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Re: Daughters attempted

Hi Faith-and-Hope, i agree there are similarities with what you are up against, and those of us caring for someone suicowdal. Your hubby is self harming in subtle ways and i know with anorexia it can damage vital organs & life expectancy. No doubt it frightens you that you might lose him, but also the moods & distancing himself. So hard to reach them.
My sis has been more outgoing lately, out to a quiet cafe and even did the dishes tonight.
I'm trying to worry less and self care more. Not easy.

@Dots, is your daughter ok, are you?


Re: Daughters attempted

Not easy at all ..... 

Hi @silhouette .... 🌷

It took me a while to realise that high levels of stress require high levels of TLC as you bring the stress down, and as a way to bring the stress down.   Taking that time out can make you feel a bit guilty, but it’s actually prescriptive, and it took some panic attacks with psychosomatic symptoms to get that message through to me.

I am glad you are working on it, and glad that things are a little more settled now for your sis.

Re: Daughters attempted

thanks Faith-And-Hope,  when does that guilt trip thing stop when you are having time to yourself?  I still worry something might happen to her while i'm 'having a good time all day 😨 Got us over a barrel half the time haha! 


Re: Daughters attempted

Oh,  falling asleep now, 

Good night?

Re: Daughters attempted

I think understanding that you can become a patient too helps.  

I worry when my hubby is out jogging that he might collapse, if I don’t turn my mind off to it.

Distracting yourself is really important.  Music helps me with that.

Goodnight @silhouette .... sleep well.

Not applicable

Re: Daughters attempted


I think the key question is how do we live in light of the illnesses of our loved ones when they have been through acute phases that have involved attempts?

If your property got flooded how would one feel? How would you feel the next time it rained? Would it make a difference if the rain was heavy or light? Would it make a difference if you had an up to date weather forecast to hand?

Would a flood stop you from ever going out again? If it was raining? In heavy rain only? Only if a storm was forecast and authorities had warned to batten down the hatches?

The answers to these questions are variable and are dependant on factors such as does your property have a permanent or seasonal creek running through it? Do you know previous high water levels? Do you have a flood action plan? Have you access to sand bags? Have you been brought up in a flood zone or is it new?

After a flood, initially light rain might set off an alarm in your mind but as reason quells that alarm one is able to relax more.

To my mind, if one lives in a flood zone, adequate preparation is the key.

I believe that if our loved ones have chosen us to be their primary carer, part of the deal is we need to be part of their safety plan. This does not mean in any way that we take responsibility for their illness, or impinge on their self governance (bearing in mind capacity) indeed it is important that they are empowered to do what needs to be done and make appropriate treatment decisions. This does not mean at times we will not be afraid. As a loved one, learning how to respond in a healthy way has made a huge difference for me.

I think realising that when it is not raining, or if the rain is light, flooding is unlikely, staying home and putting out sandbags can be counterproductive. That safety measures are in place if a flood is to come and doing scheduled reviews to ensure procedures are up to date and all are aware of what needs to be done if the need arises.

I remember the first time I went out in my own after my husband's attempt, I was so very scared but we cannot let this illness stop us from living, indeed I firmly believe we can live well in spite of a diagnosis. We have a plan in place, it is regularly reviewed, we are doing what needs to be done to prevent relapse.

I do not know how I would go now if Mr D again became psychotic or suicidal, but hope by putting into place the action plan, treatment for such an acute phase will be successful and I will have the strength to deal with the aftermath as recovery from the crisis to remission takes place.

Re: Daughters attempted

So comprehensively and well said @Former-Member .....

My situation has been very turbulent in a different way @silhouette, and while there is a risk of suicide associated with the illnesses we have on board, I am exceedingly thankful that we haven’t encountered either attempts, or ideation, as far as I know.

We are so far from out of the woods yet though with, God-willing, a diagnosis and treatment somewhere in our future ..... and as there is a lack of insight involved that has to be breached, I really don’t know what the fallout could be, whether it could take us down the path that you and @Former-Member, amongst others here, have experienced.

There is Avery real risk of health collapse, or worse, travelling with us, but until a diagnosis can be made, the appropriate testing can’t be undertaken to ascertain what risk level we are actually on. I am hopeful we would continue encountering increasingly pointed symptoms, but this form of the illness can present symptom-free for a long time if the pathological behaviours are hidden, which they are.

It is important for our own health and well-being that we don’t remained focussed on the what-if’s and maybe’s, but this is clearly easier said than done.

There is a carer’s self-care ideas thread here that we can tag you to @silhouette, if you like.

Re: Daughters attempted

I agree, very well said and relevant @Former-Member
Not applicable

my experience (warning possible triggers)

My partner has BPD in addition to Schizoaffective disorder.  Last year she started believing assassins were coming to get her and the only way to avoid them torturing her to death was for her to end herself.  IT was horrible trying to negotiate safety plans. Ultimately I had to for her own safely place her in a private psychiatric hospital in Portland.  They took great care of her but another thing that I think really helped was I visited her every single day, sometimes twice a day, no matter how inconvenient so as to show her she mattered and that she would get through this and that there was nothing but love and acceptance on the other side of the hospitalization.  My partner told me that is what got her through it.  So maybe if you have to hospitalize her again you make sure to visit her once or twice a  day every day.

Re: Daughters attempted

@Former-Member, Sounds like youve gone through the mill yourself, yet a very strong person. I'm amazed you stay with your husband through the hard times, you must really love each other.

Wow, thats an amazing analogy you gave, to liken what we are going through as iving on a flood prone property, so many variables.

I guess i seem a bit defeatist seeing it as a life threatening illness that may or may not take my sister (like my asthma) but yours broardens my options in understanding. Thank you.

My sister has her moods, i can see them coming and have a plan for that level (spend more time with her) but if she really goes flat i have the ACAT number and they said they would come see her.

Of cause we/I can call an ambulance but she would hate me for that, she says "don't fuss!!! Don't bother emergency paramedics! Forget emergency wards, they dont know what theyre doing when it comes to mental health..." So i just hope she doesnt go back to that.

@Faith-and-Hope, i look fwd to the new thread on Self Care. Hope things don't get too bad there for you - before they get better.

Take care both of you. And thanks.