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Re: Daughters attempted

Thanks Darcy and others for checking in and giving me places to help me navigate my emotions in order to support myself and family. I read your posts over and over, and they help give me strength. You're my support group at the moment 🙂

I cannot believe how much I am struggling with this. I'm sitting in a conference at the moment and where I once found new information so exhilarating, I'm sitting here thinking, it's so petty in comparison. 

I have been reaading about BPD, am back seeing my psyche, desparately trying to keep exercising, laughing when I can, but it's like I've lost something without losing it. 

Cognition before emotion with me.

My daughter is doing everything to help her recovery. Mindfulness, exercise, going to school, meeting up with friends.

Gotta go

Thanks for listening xx

Re: Daughters attempted

Thanks Darcy Determined -Enigma- and Grasshopper3. Not sure how this tagging thing works, but just want to say thanks for your posts and advice.

Got through one more day with grace and humour. Yay!!

Thanks for listening xx

Re: Daughters attempted

If you put the @ symbol before each of our namea (eg @Determined) we will get a notification.

It is good that you have been able to recieve some strength from coming here. I know it has been invaluable for me also over the past year.

I understand as will most of us here your feelings of struggling with emitions. It is good that you have been able to keep up with some activities even if it is hard.

Great news also that your daughter is actively engaging with her recovery. Really hope things pick up for you soon.


Re: Daughters attempted

Dogs are a wonderful comfort when caring for a suicidal loved one. Without my dogs I don't know how I would have gotten through the past year with my son and his depression, anxiety,homicide ideation, suicide attempts and drug problems.
I wish there was a magic potion to make it all better, but the reality is it needs time, patience, consistency, and love. You have to be strong at the very time you feel most vulnerable
Then one day you look back and see you are no longer in the middle of the darkest storm, you are just in a grey and rainy day. Then you have a partially sunny day and realise the season has changed without you being aware of it.
Time and love are the real miracles in our everyday life and they can get you through ( along with a good dog). X

Re: Daughters attempted

Hi @Determined
Just re-reading posts and am so grateful for your care and interest in how things were going with me.
hope your studies and work are going well.

Re: Daughters attempted


Re: Daughters attempted

@Dots. Thankyou for your message
How are things going for you now? I trust your daughter
Is doing better and you have been able to relax a little.
Study is keeping me quite busy at the moment. In the middle of assessment.

Re: Daughters attempted

hi @Dots how are things going for you and your daughter?

Re: Daughters attempted

Thinking of you and your family, truat all is as well as can be.

Re: Daughters attempted

Thanks @outlander and @Determined for checking in. Brings a smile. Life is chugging along. Our house is finally clean again; amazing how things slide. Fridge is bulging with yummy food. My daughter is back to seeing her psyche which is good. We're also back to a day at a time rather than the minutes I was ticking off a couple of weeks ago.

Thanks for listening and thanks again for checking in.