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Becoming a carer while living with anxiety & depression

Hi everyone, hope you're going okay. 


CW: parent death, cancer 


I've been living with generalised anxiety and periods of major depression probably since childhood, but through my 20s, 30s, early 40s, I was working, seeing friends, studying, doing some social things, until about 12 years ago... 


I became a carer for my mum after she had a stroke and had vascular dementia. I had a breakdown and became mostly non-functional, except for looking after Mum. 


Since Mum died i have gradually been working on being less isolated, more able to look after myself, done some volunteering. I've been on DSP, and had NDIS for two years (current plan is about to end, which is also scary -- how much will they cut?).


Now, years after Mum's death, I'm a carer again, for my sister who has cancer. 

I have support myself, which is great -- without support workers helping me do meal prep and cleaning together, and help getting out in the community, I wouldn't be able to support my sister. 


But I'm feeling overwhelmed, particularly in the last couple of weeks. 


We live in regional NSW, and will be in Sydney for two to three weeks while my sister has major surgery and the first couple of weeks of post-surgery recovery. 


I'll be away from my home, my support workers, and my beloved cats. 


I've found a pet sitter to stay here for part of the time we'll be away, and someone to come in and feed them the rest of the time.


but I'll miss my fur kids so much, and worry about how they're going. All three  cats are getting on in age, and are rescue cats, nervous around strangers. And my baby girl (also elderly cat, but still my baby) was recently diagnosed with hyperthyroidism, and needs daily medication. 


I wish we didn't have to be away for so long, but my sister needs to have the surgery, and I want to be with her. 


It's funny, I went to a carer support group while looking after my mum, but it only just occurred to me that I could see what support there is for me as a carer now. 


Re: Becoming a carer while living with anxiety & depression

It's funny when asking the question yields the answers like that. Definitely check up on that.


There are no words to express fur-baby seperation. I feel for all of you. Maybe video-chat with them. It might not work but it could be adorable.

Re: Becoming a carer while living with anxiety & depression

You are doing amazing. I can't imagine much what it would be like to go through what you have mentioned, caring for your mother, and now your sister, while struggling so much. Know this: you are made for whatever you face, meaning if you trust that God created you with your future in mind, you can get through anything while trusting in Him.

Re: Becoming a carer while living with anxiety & depression

Thanks, @wellwellwellnez 

I might try video chat with the cats -- I'd love it, but it might confuse them, but it's worth a try Smiley Happy

Re: Becoming a carer while living with anxiety & depression

Thanks, @prov3v5and6 🙂