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Re: Climate Disasters ---- Cyclones

Hey Shaz51 thanks for sharing your encounters with cyclones!  What a testament to the strength of the human spirit and resilience Heart

I think that as humans we tend to think we are in charge of the planet but it only takes a natural event to throw things into chaos and we realise that we are subject to nature.  Fires, cyclones, viruses - maybe we need to return to nature a bit more and try to live in sync with it.  I can't imagine what it is like to be in the midst of a cyclone.  Your description of being in the eye of the storm and the feeling of the air on the day, kind of reminds me of driving the highway and seeing the total devastation of the fires - smoudering trees, no green, no birds, no animals - it is an eerie feeling.  But, when you start to see the regrowth and the animals return - its a comforting feeling that things can get better given some time.

Re: Climate Disasters ---- Cyclones

Hello  @grayhorn@Burnt@MDT , @Former-Member , @Frangipani1@frog , @Former-Member , @Daisydreamer , @Former-Member 

now I have a better understanding of when you went through, still a little different, I had a house fire 4 weeks ago 

can not live in the house anymore , will have to be demolised 

Re: Climate Disasters ---- Cyclones

Oh no @Shaz51  that’s Terrible! I’m so sorry to hear. Is there anything you need help with immediately? If you’re on the south coast- contact the bushfire centre in the individual towns. 

Someone had a house fire in my town 1 monthish after the bushfires, they have been helping that family. 

I wish you the best! 

Re: Climate Disasters ---- Cyclones

thank you @Burnt Heart

I am in far north queensland 

We have moved into my elderly mum`s place which i am her carer 

It has been hard on my mr shaz who has lots of MI diagnosis 

and with all my physical problems 

but we are getting there , now waiting for the insurance company to make up their mind which way to go 

The Op shop has given us clothes 

Re: Climate Disasters ---- Cyclones

Content/trigger warning
So sorry to hear this @Shaz51  i hope you managed to salvage some possessions 

Re: Climate Disasters ---- Cyclones

Sending so much love @Shaz51💙💙💙💙💙

Re: Climate Disasters ---- Cyclones

I’m hoping your insurance runs smooth. I may so sorry again 💔

Re: Climate Disasters ---- Cyclones

Hello @Burnt , @Daisydreamer , @Frangipani1 , @MDT 

@Former-Member , @Burnt , the insurance company has decided to settle for a settlement 

Now we have to first find a demolition company to remove the rubble 

Wonder if you have  been through this with your insurance company xxxx

Re: Climate Disasters ---- Cyclones

Hi @Shaz51  apologies can’t help on this front as we where uninsured. The government funded the bushfire clean up for my state. 

Sorry to be no help here xx

Re: Climate Disasters ---- Cyclones

Thinking of you shazzy @Shaz51

Take care my friend